The Business Services department manages the financial processes and services of the District, including accounting, financial systems, budgeting, purchasing, grants, accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll.
Staff in Business Services collaborate with educational and operational departments as part of a District-wide team to ensure equitable outcomes for students through transparent stewardship of resources, collaboration and responsive customer service.
Annual Budgets and Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
Business Services provides regular updates to the school board regarding the district’s financial position. Reports are also provided to the Oregon Department of Education and other agencies as required. An independent audit is conducted annually and published as the district’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR).
Contact our Business Services department if you need more information.
Please contact us!
Business Services Director
Andrea Belz
4640 Barger Drive
Eugene, Oregon 97402
541-689-3280 Ext. 2016