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Bethel School Board approves 2022-23 budget

The Bethel School Board has approved the school district budget for the 2022-23 school year.

The Bethel budget includes funding for early literacy, K-12 mathematics, and program efforts to keep high school students on-track. The $73 million General Fund budget provides expanded career technical education programming, continued funding for family navigators and district mentors to support new teachers and specifically teachers of color; pathway programs to provide financial supports for diverse teaching candidate; increased professional development and more.

This 2022-23 proposed budget totals $232 million for all funds including $96 million from the general obligation bond, $33 million from special revenue funds, and $73 million from the general fund. This proposed budget includes federal funding from the ESSER grants. These one-time grants will expire in September, 2024 and strategic financial planning will be necessary to address the future financial challenges when these resources are no longer available.

Bethel’s budget is built on the State of Oregon providing $9.3 billion in the State School Fund for the 2021-23 biennium.

Read the entire budget document here.