Communication Digest: 2.11.21

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Blog Posts For You

Free High-Quality Preschool
Preschool Promise provides free high-quality preschool centered on the philosophy that parents and caregivers should be able to choose the setting that works best for their children and family. Bethel’s Preschool Promise now has openings. Click here to learn more.

Preescolar Gratuito de Alta Calidad
Preschool Promise ofrece un preescolar de alta calidad centrado en la filosofía de qu los padres y cuidadores deberían poder elegir el entorno que major funcione para sus hijos y su familia. Preschool Promise en Betel ahora tiene vacantes. Clic aquí para saber más.

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February 11 – Ad Council
February 12, 13 – Vaccine Clinic
February 14 – Valenti…er…uh…never mind
February 15 – Presidents Day
February 16 – Elementary Sub-Council

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Adventures With Zoom

I laughed out loud at this one. During a Texas court hearing a lawyer accidently used a filter in place of his computer camera, and (I think) the results were hilarious.